Mezzanine Floors

Tricks Wrought Iron Services

Mezzanine Floors

Price depends on customer requirements & specifications.

Contact us for a quote. 

Tricks Wrought designs, manufacture and installs various structural steel mezzanine floors for your warehouse, office or distribution centre.

Tricks Wrought can offer two types of mezzanine floors such as rack supported mezzanine floors or structural mezzanine floors.


Tricks Wrought Iron Services


Carbon Steel



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Tricks Wrought designs, manufacture and installs various structural steel mezzanine floors for your warehouse, office or distribution centre.

Tricks Wrought can offer two types of mezzanine floors such as rack supported mezzanine floors or structural mezzanine floors.

Our custom-designed structural mezzanine floors produce an open floor below the mezzanine level. To provide it a generally clearer floor space, various beams can be selected to support the upper floors and structural integrity.

With our manufacturer’s warranty our mezzanine floors are purpose-made to best suit your needs and aesthetic requirements.

  • Manufactured using only the finest quality fittings & accessories.
  • Price options to suit your budget based on material specification and finishes.
  • Standard colours : white, green, mocca (brown).
  • Hot-dip galvanised to S.A.B.S. 763, or electro galvanised to suit application.
  • Free quaotations – no obligation.


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